3 Months Old

 First, I’m a little late, but happy 3 month old birthday to Butter Bean! He turned 3 months old on Friday, January 14th. Now a little bit about myself and him: I am Julianne, and I got a new puppy for Christmas and I will be starting a blog on him. So this is the blog that I will be updating you on Butter Bean and what he tries, learns, and does. Now here’s a little 3 month old stats:

  • He is 19 pounds exactly, that’s 6 pounds heavier than he was at his last vet appointment earlier this month

  • He goes to bed at about 9 and wakes up somewhere between 6 and 6:30 and takes 1-2 1-2 hour naps.

  • He is working on the “Sit,” “Down,” “Stay,” “Come,” “Play Dead,” “Fetch,” “Drop it,” “Off,” “Wave,” and “Shake” commands, and pushing a button for a treat

  • He is full on “bite, bite, bite, bite" on us, especially on Grandma’s sleeve (Grandma is my mom) 

  • He is also learning good “Walkies” on a leash, potty training, and “no biting.” Some days he’s really good. Other days like today, he’s not so good. 

  • He loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooves the monkey grass in our backyard and takes a souvenir with him almost every time he goes inside. Sometimes I can’t even get him inside because he’s too busy either relaxing or playing in the monkey grass.

"Hi there! I'm Butter Bean, but you can call me BB"

First Day at the park

He has also been so good in the car!

I am still very thankful to have this puppy, even though he can be a handful. I love him with all of my heart and I try to cuddle up with him and enjoy those moments, because it won’t be long before he’s so big that I can’t hold him anymore!
